Thursday, January 31, 2013

Later Tater

My daughter and her three daughters are moving in with me this Saturday due to a messy situation in her life. (that's putting it mildly) I have a week, actually now it's two days, to get my house in order. Everyday since last Saturday, when I knew they would be moving in, I've walked into the 2 bedrooms they will occupy and just stood there. Sure, I've got a plan where the beds will go, what shelves need to go in the closet, and tons of cute decorating ideas.

Here is the problem. I've yet to do one thing in either room. I walk in the rooms, look through the boxes I dumped there thinking "I'll deal with it later", but later never came. Now, I've got 2 rooms full of my messy laters. Later is now staring me in the face and asking "when" and I just answer with another later!

Maybe it's laziness. Maybe it's a bad habit. Maybe........oh who the heck knows. Maybe, me trying to figure this out on here is another tactic of later. Later has been a lifetime friend. He's loyal. Always encouraging me with," it's okay, do it later". I listen and obey most of the time.

Why can't I be best friends with "NOW"? But Now is no fun. Now wants it done.....well......Now! Now knows if I do it now, I will be happy later, because I didn't let later control my now.
WOW! That's way too deep for me. lol
Where am I going with this? I don't have a clue. Guess I'll figure it guessed it... LATER!!

Off I go back to bed.
Got to get my beauty sleep for later! :)
Later Tater!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Messy Journeys

After a long absence from here, I decided I'd give it a go once again. I write in a journal most days and love making art, so I'm going to post both here.
When I write in my personal journal, it's mostly prayers and confessions between me and Jesus. He is the best listener I've ever found and wow can he ever solve problems!
This blog will be about my creative journey to a beautiful mess!
Art has taught me so many things about life and myself. I've learned when I start creating something I'm often tempted to quit several times because I think it looks like a huge mess. But, if I keep working and listening to my heart, something beautiful will emerge!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Remixed Clock

This was an old country blue clock I found at an antique store. I repained it and put a picture of my mom when she was a little girl. You may not can see it in the picture, but the wings are made from words cut from the dictionary. One wing is mother and the other wing says loyal. I made it for my mom on her birthday. As you can see she loved it. This is one of my favorite pieces I've made so far.

Jessica's Gift

I made this shadow box for a graduation present. I love using found objects with photographs. This is a collage using sea shells I picked up in North Carolina.

cigar box remix

this is an old cigar box I mod podged with different papers.


I made this for a friend. It's a personalized clipboard.

Scrapbook on a Wall

This is my friend Angie. I made this for her birthday this year.